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Goomba[_2_] Goomba[_2_] is offline
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Default School Bake Sales Jackassery

Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
> New York, according to an earlier thread, proposed banning salt in
> commercial kitchens. Now, it appears, they are banning Mom and Dad at
> bake sales:
> IOW, if Mom and Dad can't list the ingredients and nutritional values
> for, say, their cupcakes or brownies at school bake sales, it's
> banned. What's next? Lemonade stand bans? Jesus wept.

I truly don't believe any child will make a decision on what to buy at a
bake sale based on "nutritional values" rather than taste.
This silly rule ignores that homemade foods should set the standard for
flavor and costs are usually less than packaged goods.
Perhaps if kids weren't showered with sweets on such a daily basis, the
occasional sweet treat would be more special and less a problem.