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phaeton phaeton is offline
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Posts: 433
Default Stepdaughter moving out March 31st, yay!

Hey, if any of you folks want to buy me a house and a car, that'd be
swell. Doesn't have to be a large, grand house, just a place to live
(decent kitchen would be nice, though). I promise I'll eventually
either buy it outright from your or return it in better shape than
when I got it. The car doesn't have to be special either. Manual
transmission is fine. Used is fine. Ugly is ok.

I have a truck now, but it's pushing 168K miles. I'm asking it to go
to 200K or until I finish school. I have an apartment, but you
know... it's just not the same as having a house with a garage, a
yard, and a basement. A garage means I have a place to rebuild the
front end on my truck this summer, a yard means I can invite you over
for bbqs and live music, and a basement means I can hide from