Stepdaughter moving out March 31st, yay!
gloria.p wrote:
> See, a lot of the problem is that your brother thinks he HAS to do stuff
> to bail out his kids but he hasn't instilled in them that THEY have to
> do stuff to survive. Why couldn't he insist that daughter learn to
> drive a standard shift car or do without? That doesn't seem like it
> should be HIS problem. Also, why doesn't she and her husband solve her
> immigration problems? There doesn't seem to be much Dad can do about
> that, it's THEIR problem.
You're right. They were married in September, so she has had 6 months to
learn to drive a standard. It's not that hard. But it has more to do
with his wife, and her insistence on catering to the kids, along with
his inability to exert his view. His problem.
> What will that generation do when we are too old or dead to bail them
> out? And how will they raise their kids to be responsible if they look
> to Grandpa and Grandma for a solution every time they are in hot water?
IMO kids who grow up mooching off their parents will be the last to
support the parents when they need help. Me me me me me.