School Bake Sales Jackassery
Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> The problem with bake sales is that most stuff is cheap and poor
> quality. Your cookies were probably an exception and well worth a higher
> price but the people in charge had no idea. While I understand the
> charitable donation part, I seldom buy at a bake sale because of the
> poor quality of the cakes, but sometimes you do find a real winner.
> When the kids were in school they had a sale and my wife donated a nice
> (from scratch) decorated cake, as did a few others. They were either
> sold or raffled for $25 to $50 each. Plain old cakes went for $5 to $10
That reminds me of the time I bought a beautiful poundcake at a bake
sale, for a fairly high price (for charity) made by a woman who was
usually a very good cook. It was still raw in the middle. :-p
gloria p