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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 141
Default Edible grains (millet)

Omelet wrote:
> Is white or red millet an edible grain as a cereal?
> How about for making breads?
> With my wheat allergy, I'm exploring alternative grain ideas.
> Rice and I get along just fine, but I've been considering others..

I too have an wheat intolerance.

I've heard of ppl using millet flour, but I havent personally tried it
as yet.

I've been using mostly besan (chick pea/garbanzo beans) flour for a lot
of things, such as my hyrbid muffin/quiches, and for my 'special' brownies.

I also use coconut flour, but it tends to be a little on the moist side,
I've found. I plan to try a mix of coconut and besan flours on the next
batch of brownies, until I reach just the right level of moisture I'm
looking for.

Have you tried almond flour? That is another worthwhile choice, you may
find this site very useful:

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