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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Stepdaughter moving out March 31st, yay!

On 3/21/2010 7:47 PM, Michel Boucher wrote:
> > wrote in
> :
>>>> Sorry, I was thinking of the other "Michel Boucher" who constantly
>>>> expresses very left leaning opinions.
>>> Left-leaning is insulting to those of us who are truly on the left
>>> and not just leaning.

>> OK, what should we called you? Failed example of liberal ideas?

> Obviously you have a very narrow definition of failure. And as far as your
> opinion goes, it obviously fails to grasp the human implication.

Actually I am surprised you don't and of course you don't recognize the
major flaw with being a total extremist with any ideology. It is neat to
think that we could all be cutesy putsey and sing songs together but
human nature doesn't work that way.

As far as your stepdaughter is concerned she obviously sees you as
totally weak and ineffective. Most people need rules (especially younger
ones) and respond to deadlines. You used the cutesy putsey I am your
friend method and it got you nowhere. I'll bet if you set a deadline and
enforced it you would have noticed a substantial difference.