On 2010-03-22, pltrgyst > wrote:
> Considering that I've actually tried several west slope Colorado wines
> (shudder), I'll defer to your judgement on any matter concerning wine in
> Colorado. 8
Yeah, those West Slope wines are pretty grim. Lotta fruity nonsense
wines like elderberry/sassafrass.
> But I have no trouble finding decent wine i Denver and the Springs. Even scenic
> downtown Berthoud. Smaller than that I won't go, even in ski season.
The metro areas have some pretty impressive liquor stores, one's that
put Bevmo to shame. Where I'm at, we have maybe a half dozen corner
stores between two small towns, one that carries anything of note.
While beer --very good beer-- is well represented in CO, wine not so
much. I've stumbled onto a couple of decent CA examples, a Lodi zin
for one. OTOH, a bottle of Lous Jadot Pouilly Fuisse was almost $30.
Yikes! I'd kill for a trip to trader Joe's, of which there are none
in CO.