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Krypsis Krypsis is offline
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Default Legislation Banning Salt in Food in New York City

On 23/03/2010 3:02 AM, Dan Abel wrote:
> In article
> >,
> Cindy > wrote:
>> On Mar 21, 12:30 am, > wrote:
>>> Ingesting excess salt will make you sick. It will progressively increase
>>> your BP over time.

>> Yes, mine has shot right up to 120/70 at age 53.
>> You're full of it.

> Or, more charitably, we could say that perhaps Krypsis has it backwards.
> When you go to the doctor and are diagnosed with high blood pressure,
> the first thing the doctor might advise is to restrict sodium
> consumption. If that works, well, how easy was that? Blood pressure
> medicines are prescription. That's because there is some risk.
> Reducing sodium has almost no risk. It is recommended that normal
> people keep sodium down to 2000mg a day. I can't speak for the doctors,
> but I've heard 1500 or 1000 for restrictions. Your body needs 10.
> That's a *lot* of wiggle room.

Two points I could make here.

Unless you are prepared to do as Nathalie does and cook only fresh foods
and also restrict prepackaged foods to those labelled "low salt", you
will find it incredibly difficult to get to the level of salt
consumption that the doctor advises.

What is wrong with "prevention"??? Why not maintain a healthy diet and
restrict salt BEFORE the need arises. Note that most of the damage done
by an excess of salt occurs in childhood and the teen years. It only
begins to manifest itself once you reach ~60.
