Legislation Banning Salt in Food in New York City
Krypsis wrote:
> Two points I could make here.
> Unless you are prepared to do as Nathalie does and cook only fresh foods
> and also restrict prepackaged foods to those labelled "low salt", you
> will find it incredibly difficult to get to the level of salt
> consumption that the doctor advises.
> What is wrong with "prevention"??? Why not maintain a healthy diet and
> restrict salt BEFORE the need arises. Note that most of the damage done
> by an excess of salt occurs in childhood and the teen years. It only
> begins to manifest itself once you reach ~60.
> Krypsis
huh? you got a citation for that claim.
Just some small points- Salt intake doesn't bother everyone. Nor is all
high BP caused by or affected by salt. Salt makes the body retain fluid
("water follows salt" is the rule of thumb here) which gets complicated
as older bodies age and develop cardiac and other problems. Because
people are living longer than ever before, we also see more than in the
past too. Perhaps there is an element that the fittest survived, but
they're living long enough to develop these problems. Perhaps Krypsis
just comes from good genes and has lucked out, and it has nothing to do
with the vitamins he takes and salt-less life as he thinks it does? No
one knows....?