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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default "Accent" (msg) and the elderly

In article >,
brooklyn1 > wrote:

> >Cheers! :-)
> >I'm just glad I finally found a way to get dad to eat more. He had two
> >good solid meals yesterday and finished every bit! One 2 egg omelet
> >with mushrooms, onions and cheese

> Cheese really needs no salt, adding MSG to cheese is redundant... and
> mushrooms with cheese is TIAD. LOL Next time try serving dad the
> cheese omelet with a dollop of salsa, that should eliminate the need
> for salt and MSG altogether.. some good grainy mustard is good with
> eggs and adds salt too. I'll have my omelet with lox.

Sweetie, I've been feeding dad for a few years now. Even a cheese omelet
may not have been finished by him and it's NOT my cooking. The addition
of just a very light amount of MSG seems to encourage him to finish a

While MSG is a flavor enhancer and salt is also considered to be one,
the effects are not quite the same.

MSG is not a salt substitute. It tends to enhance food flavor in a
different way. Comparing MSG to salt is about the same as comparing salt
to sugar.

Sugar is a flavor enhancer too sometimes...
Peace! Om

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