How many spears...
blake wrote on Tue, 23 Mar 2010 12:51:20 -0400:
>> In article
>> >,
>> Omelet > wrote:
>>> Are there any wrong ways to serve Asparagus? <g>
>> Unfortunately. :-(
>> Anything involving overcooking them until they turn to mush.
>> When I was a kid, I did some kind of job where I got a free
>> lunch. There were deepfried asparagus on the plate. I was
>> disappointed at first that there were only three, until I ate
>> them. Three was enough. I suspect they were made with
>> canned asparagus.
> canned would be a problem.
> i seem to recall eating some asparagus tempura that was very
> good.
That's made with fresh asparagus, probably blanched before frying. It's
pretty good but is not my favorite like tempura sweet potato.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: