How many spears...
In article >,
"James Silverton" > wrote:
> blake wrote on Tue, 23 Mar 2010 12:51:20 -0400:
> >> In article
> >> >,
> >> Omelet > wrote:
> >>
> >>> Are there any wrong ways to serve Asparagus? <g>
> >>
> >> Unfortunately. :-(
> >>
> >> Anything involving overcooking them until they turn to mush.
> >>
> >> When I was a kid, I did some kind of job where I got a free
> >> lunch. There were deepfried asparagus on the plate. I was
> >> disappointed at first that there were only three, until I ate
> >> them. Three was enough. I suspect they were made with
> >> canned asparagus.
> > canned would be a problem.
> > i seem to recall eating some asparagus tempura that was very
> > good.
> That's made with fresh asparagus, probably blanched before frying. It's
> pretty good but is not my favorite like tempura sweet potato.
I love tempura tempura sweet potato. :-)
Speaking of sweet spuds, I was just over at sis's place and she had 3
nice sweet potatoes sprouting in her kitchen potato bin. One of them had
sprouts nearly 10" tall! I asked her if I could have a couple of them,
(She wanted to put one in a large pot) and she said yes.
I already had one with some small sprouts myself so I'm going to go out
and put those in the ground today out in the driveway flower bed since I
have a large blank area about 6' in length.
There is a wood fence for them to climb and they should be decorative up
there as they are morning glories. :-)
I hope they do well. The blooms make for good photography subjects.
Peace! Om
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