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PLucas[_8_] PLucas[_8_] is offline
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Posts: 189
Default Substituting 2% milk for whole milk.

Nancy2 > wrote in news:777efb40-c415-4344-b5a9-

> On Mar 23, 12:09*am, Handy Gandy > wrote:
>> I have a recipe that calls for one cup boipling whole milk.
>> I normally use 2%, I was wondering if I could use that reducing it a bit.
>> If so how much should I reduce it?

> I never have whole milk in the house; I buy whipping cream in small
> amounts if I need it for a recipe that calls for whipped cream.
> I use skim milk across the board, and it makes no difference at all in
> how the recipe comes out.

Skim Milk = water with white colouring added.

No offence, Nancy2, but if skim milk is all you use, just give it all away
and use water. You'll save money.

I regard skim 'milk' as an offence to real milk. They've taken a really good
product, and turned it into crap.

Peter Lucas

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Edmund Burke.