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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Do you care about pesticides in your food?

On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 10:26:16 -0500, Damaeus
> wrote:

>In, ImStillMags > posted on
>Wed, 24 Mar 2010 07:23:05 -0700 (PDT) the following:
>> 19 Cucumber 50

>The waxy coating bugs me on cucumbers. I figure it's a magnet for
>pesticides. I always wash cucumbers with a soapy dishrag.

Wouldn't you peel them?

>> 20 Raspberries 46

>I love raspberries, but the berry forms a little "cup" that can hold
>foreign objects, mold, and other stuff.

That "cup" only forms upon harvesting, nothing can get in there before

>> 35 Broccoli 28

>Broccoli is something I like from time to time, but the way it grows makes
>it look like it would soak up pesticides like a sponge. I typically buy
>frozen broccoli, but I never really feel like I get the fresh stuff clean
>enough. It even seems to have a water-resistant film on it that must be
>rubbed off, and what's it doing to the tiny, individual pieces on the
>florets of the broccoli? That's my favorite part, but with so many small,
>exposed and touching pieces, it just looks too much like a pesticide

Modern pesticides have a rather short life, they dissapate within a
few days.

>> 38 Eggplant 20

>Gross. I don't even like eggplant on pizza.

You never tried grilled eggplant... deliscious!

>> 47 (best) Onion 1 (lowest pesticide load)

>And one of my favorites!

Onion is likely to harbor botulism... and saving cut onion wrapped in
plastic because of lack of oxygen further promotes toxin production.
One should always wash peeled onion before use, peeled garlic cloves
too... and toss all LOs.