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Damaeus[_3_] Damaeus[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 636
Default Do you care about pesticides in your food?

In, brooklyn1 > posted on
Wed, 24 Mar 2010 14:25:53 -0400 the following:

> Onion is likely to harbor botulism... and saving cut onion wrapped in
> plastic because of lack of oxygen further promotes toxin production.
> One should always wash peeled onion before use, peeled garlic cloves
> too... and toss all LOs.

Onions... That's one of my favorite and most-often eaten vegetables, and
to my knowledge, I have never gotten sick from them. Not only that, I
often have a glass bowl (covered with a plastic lid) full of diced onions,
and I grab some of the diced onions to eat raw on top of things like
mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, beans, or whatever. Onion is my favorite
topping for many things.

So are the toxins from the onions themselves, or from the botulism?

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