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Michel Boucher[_3_] Michel Boucher[_3_] is offline
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Default WAY OT Coulter's Ottawa speech cancelled

Damaeus > wrote in

>> We have limits to free speech here and those limits are centered on
>> hate- mongering.

> But how do you draw the line between bringing something to people's
> attention, and hate mongering? I mean, if something is going on that
> people would hate if they knew about it, then letting them know about
> it will make them hate it. Isn't that a good thing? Why should it be
> illegal? I'm not talking about hating people as individuals, but
> about hating situations.

That is why the courts in Canada rely on test cases to determine the
validity of the charges. Our present Charter of Rights dates back to
1982 and was largely cradted to avoid the pitfalls the US has endured due
to lack of clarity.

> I mean, the national news has been hate mongering with the healthcare
> bill.

Not in Canada. Not out issue, and by the way, congratulations on finally
starting back on the path to sanity.

>> The heinous duplicity of these dexter master baiter organizations is
>> that they promote her bile spewing as free speech and deny entrance
>> to Canada to George Galloway on the gounds that he brought
>> humanitarian assistance to people in dire need.

> Yes, watching what the officials do in response to the movements of
> people who do nice things for others is very revealing of how nasty
> government can be.

Our Conservative government is a fine example of just such nasty
behaviour. Luckily they are not in the majority and their situation is
far from secure as 65% of Canadians do not want them in power.


"The officer corps will forgive anything they can
understand, which makes intelligence the only sin."

Carnell, Blakes 7 episode 16