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Damaeus[_3_] Damaeus[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 636
Default Do you care about pesticides in your food?

In, Omelet > posted on Wed, 24
Mar 2010 13:20:29 -0600 the following:

> My goat got out one day and ate all of his pot plants outside the fence
> to the ground. They were about 2 ft. high. He was highly "annoyed" and
> I had a happy goat for about 3 days. ;-)
> Animals love pot plants. The neighbor on the other side of us grew his
> pot plants up on one of the lesser known hiking trails near a stream. We
> ran across them hiking one day and discovered what had happened to all
> of our missing extra chicken wire. He'd stolen it all to protect his
> plants from being eaten by deer and rabbits.

I remember watching a movie called Kid Colter. Jim Stafford was in it. In
one part of the movie, before the kid gets lost, Jim says that to survive
in the wilderness, just watch what what the animals eat. Makes sense to
me. So animals love marijuana. There's another point of science Barack
Obama is completely ignoring after saying his policies would be based on
science, not ideology.

Liars are so unattractive. I hope Obama does not get voted back into
office in 2012. Wouldn't it be interesting to discover that many animal
extinctions are due to man's removal of marijuana from the wild. If
animals love it so much, it has probably been benefiting them all this
time, too.

"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."
-Harry Anslinger (1929), Federal Bureau of Narcotics