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Damaeus[_3_] Damaeus[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 636
Default Do you care about pesticides in your food?

In, Omelet > posted on Wed, 24
Mar 2010 20:25:29 -0600 the following:

> In article >,
> Damaeus > wrote:
> > I pictured squirrels when he said that, but anyway... I wonder if
> > mistletoe would be toxic if a human was slowly adapted to them.

> Most likely dude. I'd not risk it!

Well, I wasn't planning on it. I was just curious. I have enough variety
of foods in my life that I don't need to go testing berries everyone else
says are poisonous just to add more flair to my cooking.

> Squirrels eat acorns too and the tanins are toxic. They have to be water
> processed before eating them. Get a field guide to local edible plants.
> It'd be safer!

Squirrels evolved eating lots of acorns. If we had eaten them for a time,
they wouldn't be poisonous, but might still taste like crap. I've heard
that we can eat onions, but onions are toxic to cats. I dropped a piece
of white onion on the floor. One of the cats walked up to it, sniffed it,
then squinted her eyes and backed away, even doing her head side to side
like she was saying "No way!"

"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."
-Harry Anslinger (1929), Federal Bureau of Narcotics