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J. Clarke J. Clarke is offline
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Default School Bake Sales Jackassery

On 3/25/2010 12:25 PM, zxcvbob wrote:
> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>> "Nancy2" > wrote
>>>>> A bake sale doesn't automatically mean that people who buy the
>>>>> products are eating nothing but sweets. They aren't necessarily
>>>>> "bad" unless you don't limit your intake. My idea was better and
>>>>> would satisfy the food police.
>>>> Screw the food police. Your idea allows you to bake a box mix with
>>>> chemical icing and additives rather than a from scratch pound cake
>>>> that is absolutely delicious and wholesome made with pure ingredients.
>>> Her idea was to make stuff from recipes in magazines because the
>>> nutritional content is listed, did I miss something?
>>> nancy

>> But what about grannies favorite recipe handed down in the family for
>> a few generations Can't do it.

> Sure you can; you add up the calories, fat, carbs, and protein of the
> raw ingredients and divide by the number of servings. Granny's pound
> cake only had 4 or 5 ingredients.

And after you've done that how do you get them to add it to the approved