Crab Asparagus soup discussion (was How many spears...)
In article >, Becca >
> Omelet wrote:
> > Nothing like a fresh duck tho', killed, plucked, cleaned and roasted
> > as soon as it's ready. Still warm with the body heat before being
> > roasted. The meat is tender and juicy like nothing you have ever had.
> >
> > Turkey too.
> >
> > Fresh meat is fresh meat. There is no substitute. Might sound barbaric
> > but it's delightfully primeval.
> Have you had your testosterone levels checked lately? Just wondering.
> ;-)
Me primeval hunter! Ugg! ;-)
> If you cook a fresh killed turkey I will be glad to try it.
The texture is totally different from the ones at the store.
> My
> sister raises turkeys so she does it, but I have never tried it; one of
> her turkeys weighed 40 pounds, she could barely squeeze that turkey into
> her oven. She is cooking a turkey and a ham for Easter. I won't be
> going to her house, because his family and parts of my family will be
> visiting.
> Becca
So whatcha gonna cook?
Peace! Om
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