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Tracy[_2_] Tracy[_2_] is offline
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Default Easter's just over two weeks away

ChattyCathy wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Sat, 20 Mar 2010 16:12:18 -0400, Goomba wrote:

>>> Easter!? I don't have time for Easter!! Masters week starts Easter
>>> Monday. I'll be there at the Augusta National most of the week. I
>>> have house/golf guests arriving the day before Easter and two of them
>>> are Jewish so not sure if an easy fail safe ham is appropriate?

>> ask them.

> I've never met a Jewish person who eats ham (or anything from a pig,
> period). Seems to me that if one knows in advance that there will be
> Jewish folks to feed at a shindig one is hosting, it doesn't take a
> rocket scientist to figure out that serving ham would be somewhat
> inappropriate - and ill mannered of the host, to boot.

I know plenty of Jewish people who eat pork or don't keep kosher.
But, I agree serving ham would not be a good idea. I don't think I
would even ask. Just seems inappropriate to ask someone a question
like that. Perhaps you could ask if they have any dietary
restrictions. Much better than saying, "do you eat pork?"
