Scary Easter Candy
On 3/26/2010 9:10 AM, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article<sNKdnfE3effOODHWnZ2dnUVZ_qConZ2d@giganews. com>,
> George > wrote:
>> On 3/25/2010 9:19 PM, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>> In >,
>>> "J. > wrote:
>>>> It's just refined titanium ore, in other words clean dirt. The stuff
>>>> when ground up into a fine dust is very, very, very white.
>>> Titanium dioxide is what I use to make my beeswax white for my egg
>>> decorating. It is very very white.
>> We have a plant here that makes the stuff. They take titanium ore and
>> treat it with several chemicals and turn out a pure, harmless coloring
>> agent. They're known as Louisiana Pigments, aka LAPIG. Large payroll,
>> well-treated employees, very low accident rate. I used to consult with
>> them on occasion. Pretty nice folks with lots of money tied up in
>> environmental controls.
> Good. Now I know where I can get some powdered pigment. It's hard to
> find up here in the art stores.
FWIW, Dick Blick will ship to just about anywhere and they've got
titanium white dry pigment for about 13 bucks a pound. They've got two
stores in the Minneapolis area.