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J. Clarke J. Clarke is offline
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Default Legislation Banning Salt in Food in New York City

On 3/26/2010 11:17 AM, Krypsis wrote:
> On 23/03/2010 9:51 AM, J. Clarke wrote:
>> snip>

>>> Two points I could make here.
>>> Unless you are prepared to do as Nathalie does and cook only fresh foods
>>> and also restrict prepackaged foods to those labelled "low salt", you
>>> will find it incredibly difficult to get to the level of salt
>>> consumption that the doctor advises.
>>> What is wrong with "prevention"??? Why not maintain a healthy diet and
>>> restrict salt BEFORE the need arises. Note that most of the damage done
>>> by an excess of salt occurs in childhood and the teen years. It only
>>> begins to manifest itself once you reach ~60.

>> Please tell us of a source in the peer-reviewed medical literature that
>> states that reducing salt in childhood prevents any medical condition.

> Ask yourself why most, if not all, doctors recommend a low salt diet for
> children.

Do you have a reliable source for the statement that most doctors do this?

> One of my sources is;
> The person I use as an inspiration is Dr T C Beard. He has written a
> book on the subject of which I have a copy here somewhere. Dr. Beard
> developed hypertension when he reached the age of 60 and decided to find
> out why, especially since both his parents died of strokes. He is now 89
> and still conducting part time research into the effects of excess salt
> (sodium) on people.

Well that's nice, but what research does he cite?


Not peer-reviewed, and doesn't quote any clinical trials. Uses
anecdotal evidence. Not reliable.

> As for peer review, at least with respect to his book entitled "Salt,
> The Killer Condiment", here is the Editorial Board;

An "editorial board" is not peer review.

> If you browse through the website, I feel sure you will find sufficient
> references liberally interspersed throughout.

Nope, not really.

> I met Dr. Beard some years back at a conference and can only say I would
> like to be as fit and healthy as he when I am his age.

Then get over your salt fixation and start working out.