On 3/26/2010 11:24 AM, Krypsis wrote:
> On 23/03/2010 9:54 AM, Goomba wrote:
>> Krypsis wrote:
>>> Two points I could make here.
>>> Unless you are prepared to do as Nathalie does and cook only fresh
>>> foods and also restrict prepackaged foods to those labelled "low
>>> salt", you will find it incredibly difficult to get to the level of
>>> salt consumption that the doctor advises.
>>> What is wrong with "prevention"??? Why not maintain a healthy diet and
>>> restrict salt BEFORE the need arises. Note that most of the damage
>>> done by an excess of salt occurs in childhood and the teen years. It
>>> only begins to manifest itself once you reach ~60.
>>> Krypsis
>> huh? you got a citation for that claim.
> Start with this one;
> http://www.saltmatters.org/site/
>> Just some small points- Salt intake doesn't bother everyone. Nor is all
>> high BP caused by or affected by salt. Salt makes the body retain fluid
>> ("water follows salt" is the rule of thumb here) which gets complicated
>> as older bodies age and develop cardiac and other problems. Because
>> people are living longer than ever before, we also see more than in the
>> past too. Perhaps there is an element that the fittest survived, but
>> they're living long enough to develop these problems. Perhaps Krypsis
>> just comes from good genes and has lucked out, and it has nothing to do
>> with the vitamins he takes and salt-less life as he thinks it does? No
>> one knows....?
> Browse through the website for which I supplied the URL above and see if
> that doesn't alter your thinking even a little.
Web sites are like assholes. Everybody has one and they all stink.
> My parents and grandparents all suffered from hypertension and all my
> siblings suffer similarly to the point of requiring constant medication.
> I am the only one thus far with no hypertension issues and I will do my
> damnedest to ensure my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren
> do not suffer from hypertension in their lives.
So you were born into a family which has problems with salt and you want
the whole rest of the world to put up with legislation that solves your
personal problem.