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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Legislation Banning Salt in Food in New York City

In article > ,
Krypsis > wrote:

> Obviously you have never tried to get meals prepared with no salt or
> even low salt especially in, but not restricted to, restuarants. I would
> simply like to go shopping and (a) be able to easily ascertain the
> sodium levels in processed foods and (b) have a reasonable selection
> from which to choose. As it is, neither of those two scenarios are being
> catered to.

Uh, 'scuse me, but ALL the labels I've read for the past many years list
sodium content per serving... Informing? Yes. Banning? That's not the
least bit sensible.

You can also generally find nutritional information on line for most
restaurant foods:




Just a quick perusal of those three shows that most commercial
restaurant foods are astronomically high in Sodium, but we already knew
this. ;-) The point of posting this is to show that the information IS

Moral to the story, you want to eat low sodium? Avoid pre-prepared
foods and eating out. Cook and eat at home only...
Peace! Om

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