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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Default What to have *with* Iowa tenderloin sandwiches?

Nancy2 wrote:

> Essentially, the answer is: Because that is The Way --- to make the
> perfect tenderloin sandwich. The meat has to be thin. It has to overflow
> the size of the bun. It should be about the same size as the plate it's
> on. ;-)

I'll be returning from three months in Iraq in September, and I want to make
a dinner with an "Iowa" theme. My current plan is:

Iowa pork tenderloin sandwiches
Iceberg lettuce wedge with tomatoes, onions, bacon, and fresh cream
Corn on the cob
Rhubarb crunch with homemade vanilla ice cream

I think it needs more vegetables. Soybeans, maybe? (Iowa's a major producer
of soybeans. But what would be a typical Iowa preparation?) Would potato
salad be carb overkill (considering that the corn and the sandwich bun are
both high-carb items)? Would watermelon fit into the meal?

[1] The salad dressing recipe is from _Lettuce In Your Kitchen_, and uses
cream instead of oil as the fat.