On Fri, 26 Mar 2010 19:16:32 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>In article
> Nancy2 > wrote:
>> FYI, there's a good picture of the perfect-thickness tenderloin
>> sandwich at the www.amanameatshop.com website. I believe they start
>> with a loin slice, not a tenderloin slice, and then tenderize it.
>> Tenderloin as in sandwich is a misnomer - it's a "tender loin" piece
>> of meat, not a "tenderloin." It "...comes from the leanest part of
>> the loin, tenderized twice .... "
>> N.
>Okay, now it makes sense.
I've made them with both and by the time you pound and bread the
difference isn't noticeable. I cook tenderloin to 137 which is far
less than it's going to get when fried.