(2010-03-26) Dietary restrictions?
Boron Elgar wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Mar 2010 11:59:40 +0200, ChattyCathy
> > wrote:
>>I can't help but get the feeling that some people think of the
>>terms "Jewish" and "Muslim" as if they were the names of
>>certain 'races'. They're not. They're just two of the many religions
>>out there - and one is free to switch to another religion, become
>>agnostic or even become an atheist if one thinks that the doctrine of
>>certain religion(s) is unacceptable to them.
> And more importantly, there are many, many sects within each of these
> two religions, just as there are within Christianity. Each of these
> sects believes, of course, that it is the One True Path and they all
> differ greatly in a lot more ways than dietary habits.
Indeed. I even know some Christian people whose sect (as you so aptly
put it) don't believe in eating pork either. I don't feel the same way
they do - but I wouldn't dream of offering pork to them in my house; it
would be disrespectful to do so, IMHO.
Chatty "agnostic" Cathy