In article >,
ChattyCathy > wrote:
> Boron Elgar wrote:
> > On Sat, 27 Mar 2010 11:59:40 +0200, ChattyCathy
> > > wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>I can't help but get the feeling that some people think of the
> >>terms "Jewish" and "Muslim" as if they were the names of
> >>certain 'races'. They're not. They're just two of the many religions
> >>out there - and one is free to switch to another religion, become
> >>agnostic or even become an atheist if one thinks that the doctrine of
> >>certain religion(s) is unacceptable to them.
Yes, I agree. Judaism, Christianity and Muslim are not races, just
different religions. Furthermore, they all started in the same place
and share a cultural heritage.
> > And more importantly, there are many, many sects within each of these
> > two religions, just as there are within Christianity. Each of these
> > sects believes, of course, that it is the One True Path and they all
> > differ greatly in a lot more ways than dietary habits.
> Indeed. I even know some Christian people whose sect (as you so aptly
> put it) don't believe in eating pork either.
In fact, for those who are strict Biblical literalists, it says pretty
clearly in the Bible, in the Old Testament (Leviticus 11), no pork, no
shellfish. So, all Christians either need to give up pork and
shellfish, or figure out a way to weasel around what the Bible clearly
says. Most of them choose to ignore it. That's fine, it doesn't seem
applicable. Just don't come quoting some other part of Leviticus, taken
out of context, and try to say that "it's in the Bible, therefore it's
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA