(2010-03-26) Dietary restrictions?
On 3/27/2010 1:36 PM, Omelet wrote:
> In >,
> George > wrote:
>> If you can get hold of the greens from the Tokyo Cross turnip you might
>> change your mind. I never liked the purple top greens and still won't
>> eat the root (I'm worse than Barb is about beets)unless it is pickled,
>> which I like right well, or raw, which I also like. Cooked turnips
>> always taste bad to me. The Tokyo Cross turnips are pure white and the
>> greens are tender and delicious.
> I'll have to look for those just for grins. It is indeed the tough
> texture that I don't care for.
> I love beet greens!
Then you would truly love Swiss Chard and it will grow quite easily in a
flower bed where you live.