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JonquilJan JonquilJan is offline
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Default The Great Supermarket Bakery Deception

"ImStillMags" > wrote in message
On Mar 27, 2:10 pm, Mark Thorson > wrote:
> As usual, the Daily Mail is right on it:
> Surprisingly, they only mention Tesco once.
> They call these in-store bakeries "loaf tanning salons"
> because the goods are prepared and baked elsewhere
> and only get a final bake at the supermarket.

That's too bad. My market has a real bakery....made from scratch
stuff. You can see them making it.

I had a neighbor that once worked in the local grocery bakery. When she
would talk about 'proofing' I thought she meant waiting for the yeast to
bubble. Found out what she had been taught to call proofing was in
actuality defrosting. And no, she never make bread at home - in fact, found
out when staying with her children at times, she only had white, fluffy,
mass produced bread in the house.


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