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P.Lucas P.Lucas is offline
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Posts: 41
Default Dinner last night Sat 27Mar10

I took one of those pre-marinated (red wine and garlic), tender as, roast
beef's out of the freezer yesterday morning with the full intention of
cooking it up and having it as the sun went down, with some roasted veges
and a nice glass of red.

But........ life got in the way, we had a couple of jobs to go to, and we
didn't get home till dark.

On one of the jobs, the guy at the house gave me some fruit and vegetables
that he grew himself.

Lady Finger Banana's, and eggplants.

So I chopped one of the eggplants up with the thought of
frying/searing/roasting them in the wok to have with the roast. As I
chopped it up, I looked in the fridge and saw some mushrooms that had to
be used, so did them as well.

Well, to cut a long story short, I added some garlic to the wok, some
chopped bacon, a piece of (hot) salami that I chopped up, some tomatos
that had to be used, some other stuff that I can't remember, but it all
had to be used up.... then topped it off with two cans of diced organic

I just kept adding stuff to make it look and taste like it was half way

At the end of it, I had a wok full of a rich, tasty, tomato-y, vegetable
with a little meat sauce.

So I then had to dig in the freezer for some ravioli, cooked that up,
placed it on a plate and grated some Reggianno over and squeezed some
roasted garlic on as well.

Then topped it with some of the sauce........

So what started out as me walking into the kitchen to roast up the beef
and have a late(r) dinner, ended up 20 mins later with a very tasty pasta
dish... which got me an 8/10.

The roast will be done tonight..... if nothing else takes my fancy while
I'm cooking it ;-)

Dessert was a home made lemon tart.... but that's in another thread :-)

Peter Lucas

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Edmund Burke.