On Mar 27, 7:58*pm, "P.Lucas" >
> I took one of those pre-marinated (red wine and garlic), tender as, roast
> beef's out of the freezer yesterday morning with the full intention of
> cooking it up and having it as the sun went down, with some roasted veges
> and a nice glass of red.
> But........ life got in the way, we had a couple of jobs to go to, and we
> didn't get home till dark.
> On one of the jobs, the guy at the house gave me some fruit and vegetables
> that he grew himself.
> Lady Finger Banana's, and eggplants.
> So I chopped one of the eggplants up with the thought of
> frying/searing/roasting them in the wok to have with the roast. As I
> chopped it up, I looked in the fridge and saw some mushrooms that had to
> be used, so did them as well.
> http://tinypic.com/r/3u7h2/5
> Well, to cut a long story short, I added some garlic to the wok, some
> chopped bacon, a piece of (hot) salami that I chopped up, some tomatos
> that had to be used, some other stuff that I can't remember, but it all
> had to be used up.... then topped it off with two cans of diced organic
> tomatos.
> I just kept adding stuff to make it look and taste like it was half way
> appealing!!
> At the end of it, I had a wok full of a rich, tasty, tomato-y, vegetable
> with a little meat sauce.
> So I then had to dig in the freezer for some ravioli, cooked that up,
> placed it on a plate and grated some Reggianno over and squeezed some
> roasted garlic on as well.
> http://tinypic.com/r/2ev505g/5
> Then topped it with some of the sauce........
> http://tinypic.com/r/sfuxyt/5
> So what started out as me walking into the kitchen to roast up the beef
> and have a late(r) dinner, ended up 20 mins later with a very tasty pasta
> dish... which got me an 8/10.
> The roast will be done tonight..... if nothing else takes my fancy while
> I'm cooking it ;-)
> Dessert was a home made lemon tart.... but that's in another thread :-)
Yes, the World needs more threads about your day.
> --
> Peter Lucas
> Brisbane
> Australia
That's fascinating! The World needs to hear more about the minutiae of
your day! For example, did you have stool? If so - how many times and
what consistency? How much gas did you pass? How much fecal matter? As
much as in your posts or more?