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Dano Dano is offline
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Default Jaimie Oliver's Food Revolution

clouddreamer wrote:
> zxcvbob wrote:
>> Joseph Littleshoes wrote:
>>> Pinstripe Sniper wrote:
>>>> DOh! I missed it (Friday @ 9pm) but will probably track an online
>>>> copy down and watch it. I saw the "preview" earlier in the week
>>>> and it seemed worthwhile.
>>>> Did anyone see it? Thoughts?
>>> I watched bits and pieces of it, but found it "preachy" boring and
>>> it seemed to me he had an awful lot of self congratulatory "look
>>> at me" sort of attitude going on, how the show was such a
>>> "sacrifice" for him and how noble he is for making the personal
>>> sacrifice to make the show.

>> I saw parts of it. I agree it was kind of self-righteous, but was
>> worth watching anyway.

> It took it more as frustration than self-righteousness.
> After all, he IS right.

In the very beginning of his McNugget demonstration he makes an almost
offhand and casual mention that could have easily been missed. He clearly
states that this is NOT how McNuggets are made in THIS country. I can only
assume he was referring to the US. Doesn't that make the issue somewhat
irrelevant? Though I appreciate his attempt here, he should stick to his
valid points. Kids that age aren't up to grasping the facts about the
additives and chemicals in that food. In fact, I have read that fat is
actually added to McDonalds and Burger Kings chicken (and other) products in
order to increase the cravings people have for them. In many ways it's far
more insidious.

I found it far more interesting that these little kids had no reluctance to
eat that crap. After he had claimed this little demonstration has never
failed before. Is his point that American kids are more easily brainwashed?
Maybe it's true. After else to explain Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck,
Ann Coulter and Michelles Bachman and Malkin?