Jaimie Oliver's Food Revolution
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Michel Boucher[_3_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 2,959
Jaimie Oliver's Food Revolution
"Bent Attorney Esq." > wrote in news:ceeb489a-
> I don't see that we tossed her
> out on her ass. If you could provide me with a link...
Actually no one tossed her out on her ass. Her organizers felt that her
appearance in Ottawa placed her life in danger, or to put it another way,
they could get more press if they pretended to be afraid and backed out,
claiming they wuz robbed!, than going through with the presentation and
risking the audience might ask tough geography questions.
"The officer corps will forgive anything they can
understand, which makes intelligence the only sin."
Carnell, Blakes 7 episode 16
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Michel Boucher[_3_]
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