On Mar 27, 12:05*pm, clouddreamer > wrote:
> Pinstripe Sniper wrote:
> > DOh! *I missed it (Friday @ 9pm) but will probably track an online
> > copy down and watch it. *I saw the "preview" earlier in the week and
> > it seemed worthwhile.
> > Did anyone see it? Thoughts?
> I wasn't going to watch it, but at the last minute I added it to my PVR
> and just watched most of it. Well worth it. The scene with the chicken
> should blow your mind. LOL
> I just noted in another thread how I live in the fattest province in
> Canada,
If you left, would it be the thinnest?
yet this province still ranks higher than 40 states...and I
> thought we had problems. Nothing compared to that town!! Oliver went to
> the fattest town, in the fattest region of the fattest nation on Earth
> and their ignorance is mind-blowing.
> I mean, when a kid in school can't identify a tomato, something is very
> very wrong.
> * :\
> --
> We must change the way we live
> * * * * Or the climate will do it for us.