George Shirley wrote:
> We have about six or seven small cabbage heads left in the garden. I
> intend to slice them up today and make Bob Baron's kraut in jars.
> Couldn't find my original copy of his recipe so had to Google Google
> Groups to find it. Thanks again Bob, this time I saved it to three of my
> four hard drives and made a print out to boot.
> It's in the mid-fifties at the moment here in SW Loosyanna and the sun
> is out and shining brightly. Supposed to warm up to 72F by mid
> afternoon. Eat your hearts out damnedyankees! <G>
> The spring garden is in the ground and additional chile and tomato
> plants are growing under the lights in my office. The peach and plum
> trees have set fruit, the lemon tree that was frozen back severely is
> now putting out new limbs and leaves. It's a nice day.
I tried going to google Groups but apparently am not sophisticated
enough to use it. Could you please post the recipe.
thanks, Ellen