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orpheus99 orpheus99 is offline
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Default Jaimie Oliver's Food Revolution

clouddreamer wrote:
> Alan Curry wrote:

>> Favorite part: the argument about utensils.
>> "You want to give knives to 5-year-olds?" *boggle*
>> "Why wouldn't you give knives to 5-year-olds?" *equally boggled*

> The latter boggles my mind too.

There are quite a few cultures in our world where small children (yes,
including 5-year-olds) help with the kitchen prep work by cutting up the
vegetables. When taught properly it isn't a problem. They somehow manage
to retain all their fingers. As an American I was surprised when I first
saw it, and my initial reaction was to take away the knives to protect
them. Then I noticed that they handled these tools more safely than most


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