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Michel Boucher[_3_] Michel Boucher[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 2,959
Default Jaimie Oliver's Food Revolution

"Bent Attorney Esq." > wrote in news:251c7904-

> They were a little too angry and bullying. I think that part of the
> problem lay in Coulter's camp. They may have used the incident to
> show how oppressed Coulter is, how she is hated, etc. The students
> tended to show hatred. As does Coulter, so they are no better.

Sure they are. At the end of the day, they will go home and likely not do
this again until the next time a pod person graces our shores. Coulter on
the other hand will do this every night she can, every day she can as often
a she can. So they are much better than her for confining their protest
(not hatred) towards one event in particular.

Demonstrators were loud when Bush came and that didn't stop him from
speaking, such as it was...even Soeharto, when he showed up at the 1997
APEC Conference in Vancouver, even though his personal death squad was
arrested trying to get into position to kill protesters from a nearby


"The officer corps will forgive anything they can
understand, which makes intelligence the only sin."

Carnell, Blakes 7 episode 16