Thread: Cod liver oil
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Arri London Arri London is offline
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Default Cod liver oil

zxcvbob wrote:
> Just wondering how it would work to actually cook with CLO or fish
> oil -- I know not to fry with it because it is so extremely
> unsaturated, but how about in a lemony mayonnaise for making tuna
> salad? I'm talking about real cod liver oil from Walgreens, not the
> watered-down (literally; it's 2/3 water) flavored kind they sell at
> Walmart for the same price.

Try it and see! Even the Icelanders don't seem to use it for culinary
purposes though they do consume a lot of it as a supplement.

> It might be a good way to get vitamin D and preformed vitamin A in
> the winter months. (or it might still be nasty.)

Why not just take the gelcaps?

> I was thinking about it because I'm giving CLO, canned pumpkin, and
> ground flaxseed to my dog as "treats" because the vet says vitamin A
> and omega-3 fatty acids will fix up his flaky itchy skin. I have to
> hide the CLO by stirring it into a bit of stinky catfood or the
> remnants of my morning oatmeal because he's decided that it's
> medicine and won't eat it if he notices it.
> I haven't gotten up the nerve to try a spoonful myself yet. :-P
> Bob

The Maternal Unit made us take spoonfuls of the stuff when we were
children. The gelcaps were more expensive,so liquid it was! The person
who managed to 'cap' the stuff deserves a Nobel peace prize LOL.