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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 141
Default Killer Homemade BBQ Sauce

koko wrote:
> Raspberries and chipotles. This sauce is sweet but not too sweet, the
> spices counteract some of that and give it a nice kick.
> The step by step is on my blog if you are interested.
> Get together the ingredients.

A *lot* of ingredients there

> Cook-em all up and you have a nice rich sauce.

Looks lovely. Never even considered using Raspberries in that way, will
have to try it when the Raspberries are in season here.

I have a mini-glut of tomatoes - or more to the point - some that need
using ASAP, so I might take your lead and make a sauce...

I was thinking to roast the tomatoes along with the garlic, then make a
sauce from that.
Just a question of what else to add... I was considering some Sage (I'm
Sage crazy lately).

Maybe some fresh basil??? Might be risky, IMO.

Anyway, have time to decide whilst the tomatoes and garlic roasts for an

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