Jaimie Oliver's Food Revolution
sf > wrote in
> On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 18:33:48 -0500, Michel Boucher
> > wrote:
>> Are you correlating your failure with his lisp? And it's not a lisp.
>> It's an Essex accent spoken with a condition known as tongue thrust
>> which is characterized by a lateral lisp, being as air is forced out
>> the sides of the tongue, not unlike when one says "-ll-" in Welsh.
> I hate the way he talks. It's a lisp. If the entire region lisps
> then it's genetic.
I didn't say the Welsh suffered from tongue thrust. I said it was like
producing the "ll" sound in Welsh. His condition (if you read the annexed
link) is generally caused by teeth that were not given the benefit of
orthodontistry, perhaps in his case because his parents couldn't afford it
or the need was not obvious.
>>You REALLY need to get out more.
> No, I don't.
*double sigh* The more you protest, the more it is obvious you would
benefit greatly from it, and suffer greatly from the lack of it.
"The officer corps will forgive anything they can
understand, which makes intelligence the only sin."
Carnell, Blakes 7 episode 16