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James Silverton[_4_] James Silverton[_4_] is offline
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Default OT healthcare reform

Damaeus wrote on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 09:02:48 -0500:

+AD4APg- On Mar 29, 1:14 am, +ACI-Giusi+ACI- wrote:
+AD4- +AD4APg- So if your company drops insurance, if you get really sick
+AD4- +AD4APg- and they drop you or if you lose your job and have to find
+AD4- +AD4APg- other coverage maybe you'll pay better attention to the
+AD4- +AD4APg- FACT that many people are suffering through no fault of
+AD4- +AD4APg- their own.
+AD4APg- I'm not saying the system doesn't need fixing. But why can't
+AD4APg- we help the people who need help without damaging it for
+AD4APg- everybody else.

+AD4- Because only so much money is allowed to be in existence to
+AD4- protect the value of it.

That's not exactly what the financial geniuses, whom the Icelanders are
calling +ACI-banksters+ACI-, believed.

+AD4- And since a very few people want most of the money, that leaves the
+AD4- poorer people scrapping and competing for what little money is left
+AD4- over.


James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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