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Healthiest Diet Possible
On 30/03/2010 14:37, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Mar 29, 7:38 pm, Dirk Bruere at >
> wrote:
>> On 28/03/2010 23:26, GreenXenon wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> Please join my yahoo health group:
>>> I’m currently thinking of a hypothetical diet product that is vegan-
>>> friendly and has all the nutrients of vegetables, fruits, herbs,
>>> algae, seaweed, mushrooms and other non-animal organisms that are
>>> necessary/beneficial for human health. It also contains beneficial and
>>> essential microbes [such as probiotics]. All the aforementioned are in
>>> amounts optimum for human health.
>>> This product is completely organic and free of any pesticides,
>>> synthetic ethylene and other man-made substances that compromise the
>>> health of organisms and their human consumers. In addition, no
>>> organisms used in the product are genetically-engineered. Equally
>>> important is the soil and other conditions used to grow these
>>> organisms is healthy, organic, and free of pollutants.
>>> This product may be extremely healthy to live off of. However, it will
>>> likely taste bad. To make this product consumable, oral equipment is
>>> included. This apparatus includes a mouth piece – made of health-
>>> friendly, eco-friendly material – that will coat the tongue, teeth,
>>> gums, and pretty much the entire mouth of the consumer to protect him/
>>> her from perceiving the noxious flavors. The mouth piece is firm
>>> enough to maintain its shape yet soft enough to be comfortable to the
>>> consumer. The part of the device covering the tongue is thin and
>>> especially soft, so that the consumer can feel the presence of the
>>> drink in his/her mouth and safely swallow the beverage without it
>>> entering the windpipe. This is necessary because the process of
>>> peristalsis and the epiglottal protection of the windpipe start from
>>> the back of the tongue.
>>> Prior to the making of this product, all proteins& fats are pre-
>>> digested completely, and the following substances are completely
>>> removed from the organisms:
>>> 1. Any carbohydrate that raises blood sugar. These carbohydrates are
>>> bad for induction. Fermentable fibers [such as inulin] are not removed
>>> at all as they don’t count as net carbs and actually benefit health
>>> during induction and otherwise. Simple sugars and digestible starches
>>> are completely removed. Non-fermentable fibers [such as cellulose] are
>>> also completely removed as they don’t offer much benefit other than to
>>> add bulk to the stools. Non-fermentable carbohydrates not classified
>>> as fibers are also removed completely.
>>> 2. Unhealthy amino acids
>>> 3. Glycerol [which is unnecessary calories and can be produced by the
>>> body]
>>> 4. Saturated fatty acids [which contribute to atherosclerosis]
>>> 5. Trans fatty acids [which are far worse for health than saturated
>>> fatty acids]
>>> 6. Any other substance that is known not to be beneficial to – or
>>> necessary for – health.
>>> All organisms used in this product – excluding tomatoes – are raw.
>>> Tomatoes are boiled to bring out the lycopenes.
>>> To make the product healthier, bad minerals [such as lead and
>>> thallium] are completely removed [assuming any of them happen to
>>> somehow be in the organisms]. To decrease blood pressure, sodium and
>>> chloride are decreased [but not completely removed]. The sodium is
>>> decreased as much as can be without leading to symptoms of sodium
>>> deficiency. The chloride is decreased as much as possible without
>>> causing any serious symptoms of chloride deficiency – the consumer
>>> should still be able to safely perform tasks taken for granted – such
>>> as driving or operating machinery. The decrease in chloride will help
>>> balance out the acidity caused by ketosis. To help prevent kidney
>>> stones during ketosis, extra potassium ions are added to the product.
>>> The potassium is also alkaline and will further assist the body in
>>> keeping itself non-acidic during ketosis. In addition, the extra
>>> potassium is added because the body responds to chlorine deficiency by
>>> making the kidney excrete potassium. So more potassium must be
>>> consumed to make up for this loss.
>>> The product has drinking water added to it to make it easier to drink.
>>> This product is in small health-friendly, eco-friendly bottles. Five
>>> bottles per day should be consumed. The bottles are in a package and
>>> are of different sizes. The biggest bottle should be consumed in the
>>> morning. The smallest should be consumed in the evening. In between,
>>> are bottles of different sizes. Earlier in the day, the bigger bottles
>>> should be consumed and as the day progresses the smaller bottles
>>> should be consumed. This routine follows the saying “eat breakfast
>>> link a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper” – except
>>> the food is divided into 5 smaller meals instead of 3 bigger meals.
>>> This is an extra benefit to diabetes patients who are following this
>>> hypothetical diet.
>>> It is important to understand that this product will initially not
>>> satiate it’s users. However, once ketosis kicks in, appetite will
>>> decrease and consumers will no longer feel the urge to eat.
>>> To summarize, the organisms in the product are chopped to the
>>> molecular level. Second, the proteins/fats are pre-digested all the
>>> way down to their monomers [amino acids in the case of proteins, fatty
>>> acids& glycerol in the case of fats]. Third, the undesirable
>>> substances are removed. Finally, good microbes, potassium ions, and
>>> drinking water are added.
>>> There still will be fat in this product, it's just that they will be
>>> broken down to fatty acids [and the glycerol portions removed] prior
>>> to bottling. Many fatty acids are necessary and/or beneficial for
>>> health. They also assist in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
>>> If this product did exist it would greatly benefit obese patients. I
>>> just wish someone would start a company, get the company to make this
>>> theoretical product, and sell it to the general public at a reasonable
>>> price.
>>> What would happen to me if I spent a year on a diet using only this
>>> product and in the manner I described [5 bottles a day, first bottle
>>> biggest, next bottles getting progressively smaller, the last bottle
>>> smallest]? Anything unhealthy? I doubt it.
>>> If only this product existed and was affordable, I’d have no problem
>>> living solely off it.
>>> Regards,
>>> Green Xenon
>> Giving mice extra selenium has been shown to extend their lives by 43%
> Yes, but did they really enjoy those extra months?
> Cindy Hamilton
Giving them a pleasant environment also extends life
Dirk - Transcendence UK - Occult Talk Show