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Obveeus Obveeus is offline
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Default Jaimie Oliver's Food Revolution

"clouddreamer" > wrote:

> shawn wrote:
>> I suspect we could find the same thing in Russia or China. Any really
>> large country is going to have that problem. The people inside the
>> country don't have to deal with other countries on a normal basis so
>> they tend to be somewhat insular. But in places like countries of
>> Europe it's normal for citizens of one country to deal with citizens
>> of another on a regular basis or even visit other countries. That
>> tends to broaden their horizons.

Correct. Learning all the countries in Europe or Africa would be about the
same as learning all the states in the USA. The states in the USA are of
similar size and GDP to many of those countries.

> It has nothing to do with the size of the nation and everything to do with
> its educational system. You won't find the same kind of ignorance in
> Canada,


> the second largest nation in the world. I was taught where every nation
> is, what its capital is and major features like rivers and mountain ranges
> as well as its climate and major industry. (My nieces are learning this
> now in the middle grades).

Likely, about half of what she is learning is different than what you
learned. Lots more/different countries, capitals/mountain ranges/rivers
have been renamed. Industries have changed as well. To some extent,
people's knowledge of these things is hinged directly to how recently they
were in school, not to how good their education was at the time.

> Heck, we could name all fifty US states and their capitals...I've yet to
> meet an American (who didn't have the internet at their fingertips) who
> could name all ten provinces, three territories...let alone name their
> capitals.

People only learn important stuff. Learning the provinces of Canada is of
no more importance than learning the territories in Australia. learn it
long enough to pass the test, then purge the info so that there is room for
Seinfeld trivia.

> I've even met Americans who couldn't even name their own fifty states.

More than 50% of people in Florida can't even name the capital of Florida or
find their state on the map.

In all seriousness, though, knowing the capital of the USA isn't any more
important than knowing the capital of Ontario isn't any more important than
knowing the capital of India isn't any more important than knowing the
capital of Florida isn't any more important than knowing the borough seat of
Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska. It is all just trivia and only has real
value in how it helps you interact with others. In that respect, the
Seinfeld trivia is probably more valuable.