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Sidney Lambe Sidney Lambe is offline
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Posts: 52
Default Healthiest Diet Possible

On, Cindy Hamilton >

> On Mar 30, 12:54=A0pm, Sidney Lambe
> > wrote:
>> On, James Silverton
>> > wrote:
>> > =A0Cindy =A0wrote =A0on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 06:37:34 -0700
>> > (PDT):

>> >> On Mar 29, 7:38 pm, Dirk Bruere at NeoPax
>> >> > wrote:

>> >>> Giving mice extra selenium has been shown to extend their
>> >>> lives by 43%

>> >> Yes, but did they really enjoy those extra months?

>> > It might be a bit like saying that a =A0vegetarian diet
>> > won't extend yo=

> ur
>> > life, it will just seem that way.

>> Mindless, sophomoric mockery. Lame. Used by people who know
>> they are in the wrong and so are attempting to use brute force
>> to get others to think like they do.
>> That's one of the two key elements (lies) of carny propaganda:
>> 'Only animal products taste good.'
>> What tastes good to a person is obviously due to cultural
>> conditioning.
>> All over the world people pay exorbitant prices for what
>> they consider to be delicacies. Foods that even the idea of
>> consuming makes Westerners ill. Like insects of various kinds
>> and fermented (rotted) plant dishes; pickled bird embryos on
>> the verge of hatching...
>> Herbies have rejected Western dietary conditioning and learned
>> to appreciate a different cuisine. It's not difficult. Over
>> 95% of the food dishes prepared around the world are herby
>> ('vegan').
>> The other main element (lie) of carny propaganda is: "Only
>> animal products will make you healthy and strong."
>> Oh yeh? What makes the powerful muscles of the bull and the
>> stallion?
>> Vegetable protein from seeds, mostly grains (grasss) and
>> legumes (peas).
>> No, the parts of their digestive systems that are different
>> from ours have nothing to do with proteins. They are for
>> breaking down cellulose (from plant stalks) into starch.
>> I love to eat. The sight or smell of raw or cooking or cooked
>> animal products makes me ill.

> Well, that's your neurosis.
>> I don't see how anyone can eat such ugly things.
>> Sid

> How pleasant for you. However, we evolved to be omnivores,

That's a theory, not fact.

> and that's the best diet for us. Not necessarily in the
> proportions enjoyed by most Americans, but omnivorous
> nevertheless.


The overwhelming majority of the primates are herbivores. And
even according to the _theory_ of evolution, those are our roots.

> It's only recently that H. sapiens has had the luxury of
> pursuing odd dietary regimens.i


> Ponder that while you dine.

Your gullibility is what I will ponder.

Some people just believe everything they see on TV or that's
printed in some public school or college textbook.

They don't understand just how thoroughly politics and
economics corrupt historians and scientists.
