Thread: Cake Cooling
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gloria.p gloria.p is offline
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Default Cake Cooling

Goomba wrote:
> For you cake baking pros out there- do you cool the cake in the pans
> entirely or turn out onto a cooling rack to finish cooling?
> I just baked a banana cake and let the two layers cool in the pan aprox
> 20 min, then turned out onto a rack. Now I find the tops have stuck to
> the rack and left a nice gouge in each one. I can handle that since I'm
> going to assemble with some sort of filling before frosting. I think I
> can hide the gouges. But it got me to wondering if I'd forgotten some
> rule of cake cooling....?

I turn them out onto the rack after 5-10 minutes or the bottom gets
soggy. The trick is to flip the pans onto a rack, then flip the cakes
onto another one or you will get stripes or squares pressed into the
tops, the same pattern as your cooling racks.

gloria p