Thread: Cake Cooling
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gloria.p gloria.p is offline
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Default Cake Cooling

koko wrote:

> I'm going to hit send now before I talk myself out of embarrassing
> myself here.
> koko
> --

Embarrassing? Those were lovely, nicer than a lot of "professional"
wedding cakes I've seen.

My only wedding cake experience was (at a friend's daughter's wedding)
being called into the other room by a frantic Mom and trying for half an
hour to balance a very heavy Lladro bride-and-groom figurine on top of a
very pretty cake that was just too delicate to hold the weight. We
tried everything we could think of including bamboo skewers but I
finally broke it to Mom that it was not possible. I smoothed out the
icing on top that we had messed up, and we plunked the figurine in
front of the bottom layer with one of the bridesmaids' bouquets on the
top layer. You can only do what's possible....

gloria p