Healthiest Diet Possible
Sidney wrote on 31 Mar 2010 23:44:43 +0100:
> [delete]
> Another brain-dead vidiot who just believes whatever the TV
> tells him.
> I look at the real world and I remember what it was like when
> I was a kid in the 1950's. Healthy old people all over the
> place who died comfortably in their sleep after playing with
> their great-grandchildren all day long.. The average person
> capable of doing hard work all day long. Serious diseases so
> rare that they were the talk of the town when they happenned.
> People who only went to the doctor once every 5 years and
> almost no one had health insurance. Almost no "rest homes"
> (which was what they were called then).
Where on earth did you live?
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: