30-31 Oct. Posts Vanished?
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Dale Williams
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30-31 Oct. Posts Vanished?
In article > ,
(Ken Sternberg) writes:
>Where have they gone? I saw some yesterday. I miss my Garnet Wine post
>about J.R. and the welcome exit of David Lillie (who his friends
>simply call Dave or Davey)
Must be your newsreader- thread shows up on both AOL and Dejanews/googlegroups.
Sorry you dislike David Lillie ( who I don't know as a friend, just as a wine
guy, so I call David). Personally I think the Loire section of Garnet sadly
shows his absence. As a consumer, I can state that IMHO the customer service at
Chambers Street (owned by Lillie and Jamie Wolff) is so far above Garnet that
it's laughable. Garnet still has good prices, but I only buy daily drinkers-
why spend $40 for a wine from a store that won't take back corked wines after
31 days? CSW is probably now my favorite NYC store. Actually just got a mailer
today, saw that Lyle Fass (who used to be at the Wine Shop on 1st Ave), had
Dale Williams
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